Lightweight JavaScript library for creating interactive maps.
Jsvectormap documentationHow to use
Import jsvectormap vendor file which imports all the necessary files from Jsvectormap and contains the default settings.
import(/* webpackChunkName: 'jsvectormap' */ './vendors/jsvectormap') .then(({mapDefaultOptions}) => { // furter code }) .catch(console.warn);
By using code splitting and dynamic import techniques you don't need to worry about the size of the JavaScript file. Dashly will only import the necessary files when they are needed.
<div class="map" id="worldMap"></div>
// dashly/theme/src/js/user.js const worldMap = document.getElementById('worldMap'); if(worldMap) { import(/* webpackChunkName: 'jsvectormap' */ './vendors/jsvectormap') .then(({mapDefaultOptions}) => { const worldMapMarkers = [ { coords: [-33.8481643, 150.7915504], name: 'Sydney', description: 'Hello this is Sydney' }, { coords: [40.7127837, -74.0059413], name: 'New York', description: 'Welcom from Sydney' }, { coords: [34.052235, -118.243683], name: 'Los Angeles', description: 'Hurray LA!' }, { coords: [51.507351, -0.127758], name: 'London' }, { coords: [19.0822375, 72.8109751], name: 'Mumbai' } ]; const mapUserOptions = { selector: worldMap, markers: worldMapMarkers, onMarkerTooltipShow(event, tooltip, index) { tooltip.getElement().innerHTML = `${tooltip.text()}${ worldMapMarkers[index].description || '' }`; } } // Merge map options const options = { ...mapDefaultOptions, ...mapUserOptions }; const map = new jsVectorMap(options); }) .catch(console.warn); }